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Key line in James Matthew Wilson's piece: "My family was among those given the chance to move wherever we wished because I could, on a permanent basis, work from home."

If I'm not mistaken, the St Thomas MFA program that he co-heads -- which is one of the greatest things to happen to this country in years -- is almost entirely online, with only brief periods of in-person residency each year. Hence, he can live wherever he wants to. There is definitely food for thought here. Traditionally-minded Catholics (including Wilson) are obviously the last people to celebrate the "permanently online" way of life, and there are certainly abundant reasons to rue the ubiquity of the internet. However, is this not an example of the oft-wished-for, seldom-seen case where high technology enables something genuinely good? Maybe "permanent work-from-home" really can do something to get people out of overpriced, dysfunctional major metro areas, and help revitalize small towns.

Lastly, arguing for the merits of one's hometown or homeland is like arguing for the merits of one's mother or father. No matter how good or bad they are, they're still yours and that's the important thing.

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