I really enjoyed Thirst when it was published. It was both entertaining and thought provoking. I bought a copy for my Aunt (who came within a single "yes" of entering a convent when she was very young. Instead, she earned a degree from Harvard Divinity and explored multiple facets of faith. She also enjoyed Thirst and it was fun to be able to exchange our thoughts on questions of faith and commitment to the Church as raised in the novella. She died a year after she read it, somewhat willfully, looking forward to her next adventure. Your reference reminded me of how much I miss her.

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Very glad to hear from a fellow-reader of Thirst. And very moving to hear about your Aunt's response to the book. Thanks for writing.

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Thank you for the suggestion to read Thirst. And i too adore Michel Gilbert's books and in particular the two characters you mention. I compare them to my other two favourite 'character/detectives' of Charters and Caldicott in movies such as Night Train to Munich and Lady Vanishes.

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The Lady Vanishes! Such a delicious movie. The next time we re-watch it, I will keep Michael Gilbert's duo in the back of my mind.

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