In regards to the word crip: Bill Veeck, owner of baseball teams, had one leg. He was offended when referred to as handicapped or disabled. Crippled was his preference. We could enjoy his clarity today. By the way, when fitted with a replacement, artificial leg, he would cut a hole in the fiberglass of the calf so as to never be without an ashtray.
The Lamp is incredible, as you say. I too cut up bits of it and use in them various ways. Lovely artifact with thoughtful writing.
Many readers of Prufrock might also enjoy Modern Age (whose poetry editor is James Matthew Wilson) and the Claremont Review of books.
In regards to the word crip: Bill Veeck, owner of baseball teams, had one leg. He was offended when referred to as handicapped or disabled. Crippled was his preference. We could enjoy his clarity today. By the way, when fitted with a replacement, artificial leg, he would cut a hole in the fiberglass of the calf so as to never be without an ashtray.
Three cheers for naming your tuxedo cat George Michael! May he make many appearances in this space.