Hecht's work is magnificent and I am pre-ordering this biography along with a few other things. You are right, the volume on Hecht alone likely will not get mainstream poetry attention (but it should).
Much to consider here. The idea of a biography of Vergil is intriguing and new works on Willa Cather and Czeslaw Milosz are welcome if only to keep their precious works alive in our culture.
I hope you don't miss this one, sadly no longer a fall, but a winter, release: https://www.amazon.com/Penguin-Greek-Latin-Lyric-Verse-ebook/dp/B09HMNMBPH/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2VW6Q4M4X6AQB&keywords=Childers+Penguin&qid=1689782152&s=books&sprefix=childers+penguin%2Cstripbooks%2C208&sr=1-3
Can't wait for Yezzi on Hecht!
Hecht's work is magnificent and I am pre-ordering this biography along with a few other things. You are right, the volume on Hecht alone likely will not get mainstream poetry attention (but it should).
Much to consider here. The idea of a biography of Vergil is intriguing and new works on Willa Cather and Czeslaw Milosz are welcome if only to keep their precious works alive in our culture.